How To Restore A Rusty Truck Frame? (Easy Steps)

The place a truck frame holds is the most possible rusty area. Any good material you keep in such a place, that will get rusted after a certain period of time. The same thing happens with every truck on the market now.

Rust doesn’t know any brand, price, or material. It will affect the truck frame when it gets a chance. But how to get rid of this problem and how to restore a rusty truck frame properly? This discussion has that answer.

In this discussion, we will show you the restoring process step by step in the easiest language. If you can complete the discussion, you will be able to restore the frame and also prevent further rust. So, let’s start.

Tools Required To Restore A Rusty Truck Frame

There are a few tools that are typically required to restore a rusty truck frame. These include a wire brush, a drill, a saw, and clamps.

All of these tools are very much important in this process. However, based on your needs, some extra tools may be required. You have to use them too to make the task easy.

  • Screwdriver
  • Jack
  • Hammer
  • Sand Paper
  • Wire Brush
  • Painting spray
  • Rust Preventing Paint
  • Welding Machine
  • Power Cutter
  • Welding Machine

These tools are our suggestions. But we use tools to make life easy. So, use the tools that you need to make the task easy and smooth. So, let’s jump into the main process.

How To Restore A Rusty Truck Frame?

To begin restoration, it is important to have most of the tools near our hands. If you have them, then you need to start the process.

As this is going to be a step-by-step process, you should read every line carefully. Some tips are inside the lines. You may miss them if you just have a look at them.

Step 1: Free The Frame

As we are working on frame only, we need to make that free. So, remove everything that is on it. From engine to the body, axle, and all other aspects of the truck.

If you are not getting any idea what should be the frame condition after freeing the fame, look at the image given below.

You have to apply all the tools that are required to make it completely free. That may be beyond our suggestions.

Step 2: Observe The Rust Level

Now you have to observe the frame well from top to bottom. The purpose of this observation is to trace the present condition of the rust on the frame and what type of restoration process you have to take.

If the rut level is moderate and there is no deep damage at any part of the frame then the normal process is okay. But if the rust goes deep and some parts of it get some holes and broken then you may need some deep solution.

Step 3: Use Wire Brush

It is the beginning of the main process. You have to use a wire brush in every part of the frame. Both sides and many times you have to do that. Continue brushing till you find it glittering. Because that is the better area of the frame.

We suggest power wire brushes. Because sandpaper or manual brush is not enough for this. Because a truck frame is big enough. Manual brushing will take 3-5 times extra time. So, always save time in the restoring process.

Step 4: Clean Every Nook And Cranny

The old frame gets rusted in almost every corner. So, while cleaning them, you have to keep them in mind. Try to use a small screwdriver or any other hook-type sharp items to clean them. And if possible then use a wire brush.

Some people even use rust remover spray to save time. You may take their path too to fasten the process. We recommend that only for corners.

Step 5: Weld Over Rust Area (If Needed)

Sometimes, some parts of the frame get too much rust. For that, these areas are completely damaged and create some holes there. If you find any such part on your frame, try a different way to fix that.

We suggest removing all the damaged parts from the frame first. Then cut some better iron from a different object or truck frame. Then place the new one on the hole. After that, weld that. This will save the area from further rust.

Step 6: Use Rust Remover And Paint

After you complete brushing and get better metal that is glittering, your rust removal is done. Now you have to work on the painting. This will protect against further rust and also keep the frame healthy for a long time. 

There are different types of rust remover or preventer. Some people use grease and other people use special types of solution. But our preference is painting. This will make the frame look better and protect it from rust.

Use a perfect size brush or spray to get the work done fast. Here also ensure every part gets equal attention. After the painting is done, hang the frame with a chain jack. And keep 24 hours to dry the paint.

Best Rust Prevention Paint For Truck Frame

After knowing the importance of rust prevention paint in truck frame restoration, you might be curious about which paint to buy for a truck frame. This is a common question among the people who are first time working to prevent rust from any surface. 

To help you, we think we should suggest a better item that will work on both removal and prevention. We use the Rust-Oleum 7771502. If you have any confusion about the performance of this paint then the following features of it for you.

  • Rust-Oleum 7771502 is a non-toxic, water-based paint that prevents rust and corrosion.
  • It has the ability to bond with metal surfaces for long-lasting protection
  • Rust-Oleum 7771502 provides a smooth finish that resists chipping and peeling off.
  • It works in every weather to keep the frame in the best condition.
  • This is easy to apply with a spray can or roller.
  • The finishing of this paint is surprisingly smooth.

How Much Does It Cost To Restore A Rusty Truck Frame?

The cost can be of two types. One is tools and painting cost and another one is labor cost. Including everything, the general cost is around $2000 to $3000. But the process we show you here will save a lot of money. If you have all the tools or lend them from your friend then it will only cost you around $200.

This cost is excluding labor. It will take around 2-3 days to restore the whole frame. You may add your labor cost with it. That is how much it costs to restore a rusty truck frame.

How Long It Will Take To Restore a Rusty Truck Frame?

Restoring a rusty truck frame can take a variety of different lengths of time, depending on the severity of the rust and the condition of the frame. If the rust is only surface level, then it may be possible to clean and seal the rust within one day. 

But too much rust and lack of tools may lengthen your restoring process. In that case, it may take up to 5 days. That’s why we told you to work with proper tools and equipment. If everything is ready, you will be able to complete it within 2 or three days.

How To Prevent Truck Frame From Further Rust?

After restoring the frame from rust, you should concentrate on further prevention of rust. To be successful in this part too, the following tips will work best. Try to follow them properly.

Keep Your Truck Dry

Rust is a result of moisture being trapped in the metal. To prevent rust from the frame, make sure your truck is always dry. This can be done by using a de-icer or a vacuum cleaner to help remove water droplets and dust.

Use a Protective Coating

One of the best ways to prevent rust from the truck frame is to use a protective coating. This will seal the metal and help to prevent moisture and corrosion from occurring.

There are many products on the market that can be used for this purpose, and it is important to select the right one for your needs.

Avoid Contact with Saltwater

One of the most common causes of rust on the truck frame is contact with saltwater. So, try to avoid this element of nature as much as possible.

Proper Maintenance

To prevent your truck frame from further rust, make sure your truck is properly maintained. Have it serviced regularly and keep it well-maintained to prevent rust from occurring.

Regularly clean and wax your truck frame. This will remove the dirt, grime, and oils that can cause rust.


Rusty truck frame restoration can be a tedious and time-consuming process, but it is definitely worth it. By restoring the rusty truck frame, you will be able to bring your vehicle back to its former glory.

Not only will this restore the look and function of your vehicle, but it will also protect it from future damage. 

After reading this process, you should be able to restore your truck frame from rust. The process is the best one, though many people follow their own way to do that.

If you want to know how to fix rust on a truck, follow the link. Thanks for reading.

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