How To Update An Outdated Carrier VMT? (Explained)

According to The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration or FMCSA, every carrier of every company should update their VMT, PU, address, name, and many more things in the MCS-150 registration form. This is a must-needed thing to do for good reasons. But how to update an outdated carrier VMT in the MCS-150 form asked by FMCSA?

This is going to be the main topic to discuss here. After reading this discussion, you will know about the VMT updating process and much more information related to MCS-150 registration. 

So, if you have any doubt, or any hesitation about updating these things for your outdated carrier then read till you reach the last section.

How To Update An Outdated Carrier VMT?

The only way to update an outdated carrier VMT is to update info on MCS-150 registration. Not only VMT, if you want to update any information, you have to change there. 

To change information, you need to apply to FMCSA by filling up their form. There are different ways of filling the form, they are:

  1. Online Updating
  2. Offline Updating

Let’s see how to update an outdated carrier VMT by using both ways.

Online Updating

In both ways, you have to fill out a form provided by The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA. Then you have to submit that form to the authority. In the case of an online updating system, you will find an online form from the authority website. You have to fill that out and then submit.

While filling out the form, you have to get all the information correctly. Especially the VMT. This was the online VMT updating process. The online applications are instantly accepted.

The online application is encouraged by the FMCSA as it is fast and easy to fill out. With that, the information will be 100% correct in the online application. To apply online, you have to visit the following link. 

Offline Updating

The offline VMT updating process for the outdated carrier is almost the same. In this process, filling out the form is offline. 

The form should be taken from the office. Then all required info should be given there. If that is done, submit that via mail. Then the authority will go through it.

They will give you updates on the application progress by mailing. So, you have to provide the correct mail there and that should be your personal. 

This process will take 4-6 weeks to complete. The USDOT number will also be mailed to you at this time.

Some Tips On VMT Updating Process

The application process is very simple and easy. It will take around 20 minutes if you know everything. But some people even fail to complete it in two hours. 

They fail because they don’t know some tricks related to the application and updating process. To help you fasten the process, the following tips will work.

There are a total of 31 sections on the registration form. As you are updating the existing info, you have to fill out only a few sections. From 1 to 16. Then jump into the 21st section. After that, you have to start from 29 and continue till the end.

This was the updating process of outdated carrier VMT. After reading this, you might fall into some troubles while filling out the form. If you don’t know what to write in which section of the form, you may ask for their help. With that, the following PDF will help you more by giving line-by-line instructions.

Why You Need To Update VMT?

This system is implemented for all businesses for good reasons. According to this law, every carrier or business has to update this information every 24 months or 2 years. Sometimes it is required to update before every operation begins. But why is it so important?

There are some logics to follow this rule. The first reason for updating VMT is to help the authority to keep accurate traffic on the roadway. This will indirectly help and benefit you.

But there is a direct benefit of updating VMT regularly. That is getting rid of fees. If you don’t update your vehicle VMT every 24 months then the authority will fine $1000 for a day that expires. In this way, they can ask you around $10000 fees. So, to avoid this big loss, you have to update VMT.


If you did not update your carrier in the last 24 months then you have to do that today. Our suggestion will be to go for the online updating process. That is fast, easy, and reliable too. 

I hope the discussion helped you a lot. But before starting the process, you should read the PDF that we linked in this discussion. That was all for today. Thanks for reading.

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